Akom's Tech Ruminations

Various tech outbursts - code and solutions to practical problems
Code and Hacks

Blackberry suddenly missing Browser Service Books

Posted by Akom • Friday, December 26. 2008 • Category: Code and Hacks

I have an Enterprise Activated Blackberry 8830 (World) which has worked just fine for over a year. I recently installed Opera Mini (which works great for most things), but some time after that I noticed that the built-in Browser no longer works and produces the following error message:

Your device does not currently have any Browser Configuration Service Book Entries.
Please contact your service provider to enable the Browser on your device

Took me some time to sift through the various responses on forums and various advice. In the end, it appears that they all boil down to two possible solutions (assuming that your blackberry browser should/did work at all, as in you have a data plan, etc, etc):

  • Send Service Books
    1. Click your internet email icon (the envelope with a gear in front of it)
    2. Log in to your BIS account, as needed (yes even if you are on a BES). Create one if you've never done this before
    3. click service books
    4. Click send service books
  • Register Device
    1. Click options
    2. Click advanced options
    3. Scroll down and click host routing table
    4. Press menu key
    5. Choose register now
    6. You can now exit. You should receive an happy email shortly

As for me, the first one did the trick. The second one (including resetting device) did nothing.


If your Browser and/or Email Setup icons are missing, try this:

  1. Go to the verizon BIS site with your desktop browser
  2. Log in or create account
  3. Go to help->Send Service Books (Seriously, it's hidden in the help menu!)
  4. You'll get activation emails on your device
  5. Pull the battery and it should be fine after a reboot
  6. NOTE: my blackberry stopped receiving mail after this - and after logging back into the BIS account I was asked to set up my blackberry from scratch. Never fear - just click the newly restored Email Setup on your blackberry and you'll see what to do, and voila - everything is back to normal, even the online account

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  1. Thanks for the info. It really helped!

  2. Thanks this worked great for me too. I appreciate it.

  3. Had the exact same message suddenly appear - could not access the browser. The first technique worked perfectly - thanks!

  4. You rock!

  5. These fixes did not work for me, however doing this did: Options-->mobile network-->mobile network: sprint pcs-->Start provisioning.

  6. This is the easiest way of using you blackberry for Browsing you need is a service Book that contains the configuration of your local carrier which will enable you to browse with you blackberry using another service provider apart from Verizone wireless or any other wireless service provider, when you travel abroad…

    I personally I have been having problem Browsing with my blackberry 8830 because it is married to Verizone wireless Network even though I unlock it I still can’t use it to browse on my local carrier but after some research works I later discover that it a minor thing all it takes is a tutorial on how to do it, Ok enough stories let get started………….

    Requirements: PC, your blackberry mobile phone and the connectivity cable (cable for pc connection) , blackberry Desktop software and Magicberry software

    Step 1: You will have to download blackberry Desktop software on your P.C.

    If you already have no problem but if you do not have before you will have to download it, to download blackberry desktop software click here.

    Step 2: You will have to download magicberrysoftware,Magicberry is a software that you can use to edit your service book, So that you can input your service provider configuration manually into your blackberry phone.To download magicberry software click here.

    Step 3:Download “Browser_via_TCP_all_network_beta_V1.1.ipd” to your PC this will be useful in the next stage to download it click here. After you have complete download this two software’s firstly install blackberry desktop software then install magicberry software after the installation of Blackberry desktop software is complete then we can proceed…. visit http://www.timotew.blogspot.com for more....

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