Akom's Tech Ruminations

Various tech outbursts - code and solutions to practical problems
Code and Hacks

Blackberry Pearl Causes Windows XP to freak out with USB Device Not Recognized

Posted by Akom • Tuesday, October 7. 2008 • Category: Code and Hacks

This was annoying. Whenever the blackberry was plugged in (USB), windows would ding and show a baloon saying "USB Device not recognized", and this would continue forever, repeating about every 10 seconds! Clicking the baloon would show you the USB device tree, with a very helpful "Unknown Device" shown in bold. It took some time to figure out that it's happening only when the BB is connected. It sort of seemed as if someone is rapidly connecting/disconnecting the USB cable.

Well? Turns out that this is sort of what was happening. It was a bad cable. OK, perhaps not a bad cable, but one that the blackberry didn't like. And, unlike what some people suggested, having it plugged in through a hub is not the culprit. Interestingly, the cable that was malfunctioning was heavy duty, with ferrites. The cable that works is thin and flimsy.

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  1. So....buy a new cable? This is happening to me. and I just about threw out the speakers out the window. (then I remembered a little button called "mute." Its very annoying.

  2. Either that, or see if you have another cable laying around. I probably have 15 of them, between digital cameras, blackberries, old motorola phones, even mice with detachable cables. Oh and flash media card readers, and even the cable for my IAudio X5L's backpack :-)

    Good luck.

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