Akom's Tech Ruminations

Various tech outbursts - code and solutions to practical problems
Code and Hacks

QOS settings for pfSense - optimizing Google Hangouts and SIP

Posted by Admin • Monday, June 8. 2015 • Category: Code and Hacks

pfSense router configuration for Traffic Shaping is relatively convoluted if you're not already familiar with the interface. Assuming that you've used one of the wizards to create the default queues (default, ack, voip, p2p), what you have to do is:
  1. Set the upload bandwidth (Traffic Shaper->By Interface->WAN). This may be optional if using the default PRIQ mode
  2. Create a rule to match Google Hangouts traffic. According to this helpful post, the UDP ports hangouts uses are 19302-19309 (I'm assuming that outbound UDP is open). Therefore we create a new "match" type firewall rule with these ports as destination and assign them to the voip queue. Here is an example of a Floating rule to do that:
    Example Floating Rule
  3. For SIP (if you have SIP devices or softphones), you can make a Layer 7 rule (Traffic Shaper -> Layer 7) that assigns sip traffic to the voip queue
This is, of course, just a note for myself.

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