Convincing JAX-WS on Axis2 1.4 to handle overloaded web service methods
Posted by Akom • Saturday, August 16. 2008 • Category: Java
This week I found myself in one of those situations...
I had initially implemented corporate web services in Axis2 1.2, using ADB data binding, starting with a WSDL. Only problem is - the WSDL I had to reimplement came from .NET, sometime around 2001... when overloading must have seemed like a good idea. Since then it's been abolished by just about everyone, including of course the current WSDL specifications. Moreover, the WSDL was most likely auto-generated by .NET with no regard for how manageable it would be. Yes, this is an experience infused with "ArrayOfAnyType", <anytype xsd:type="string">, and other such pearls.
I can't say that ADB handled overloaded methods
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