Puppet: recursively delete a Windows Registry key
Posted by Admin • Wednesday, October 14. 2015 • Category: DevOps
Puppet forge has a registry provider that allows one to manage a key or value. What it cannot do is delete a whole tree starting at a particular key. So, hacks to the rescue:
Now if you want to, say, disable Java auto-update:
# deletes the whole tree if it exists
define registry_wipe_tree($key = $title) {
exec {"Purge registry $key":
path => ['c:/windows/system32'],
command => "reg DELETE \"${key}\" /f",
onlyif => "reg QUERY \"${key}\"",
Now if you want to, say, disable Java auto-update:
registry_wipe_tree{'HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Update':}
registry_wipe_tree{'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Update': }