Akom's Tech Ruminations

Various tech outbursts - code and solutions to practical problems

Vimeo vs Youtube for flight video

Posted by Admin • Wednesday, December 10. 2008 • Category: Reviews

A few months ago I posted my successful flight video recorded with on-board camcorder on my RC plane. I posted in youtube, because, well, that's what everyone does.

The video was an 160MB two-pass Xvid AVI, and once it made it through the youtube hamster wheels, it didn't look so good, especially while flying high over the tree-tops - they all meshed together into a mess of pixels. I complained, but resigned to my low-quality destiny.

Some time passed and it occurred to me to look into Vimeo.

Here are the results

For a quick comparison, freeze frame at 1:57 in both videos. Either way, you can see a major difference in both color accuracy and resolution.

Vimeo Video

Pitts S2A Video Flight - Straight And Level from Akom Benevolent on Vimeo.

You Tube

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