Akom's Tech Ruminations

Various tech outbursts - code and solutions to practical problems

Getting Meetme to work in Asterisk 1.6 on Ubuntu Lucid

Posted by Admin • Tuesday, November 15. 2011 • Category: Asterisk

I'm assuming that you are attempting to use the Meetme() application and getting an error like this:
WARNING[10695]: app_meetme.c:1097 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device
It's rather simple:
$ apt-get install dahdi dahdi-dkms dahdi-linux  #I think dahdi may be enough
$ echo dahdi_dummy >> /etc/modules
$ modprobe dadhi_dummy
$ ls -l /dev/dahdi/pseudo
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 196, 255 2011-11-15 11:26 /dev/dahdi/pseudo
$ id asterisk
(Should include 'dialout' group)

Yay! Apparently in Asterisk 1.6 the timing source for the Meetme application is no longer ztdummy (fortunately I was unable to use m-a to compile zaptel) but rather relies on DAHDI, not only for timing but for conference mixing - see http://www.russellbryant.net/blog/2008/06/16/asterisk-16-now-with-a-new-timing-api/

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  1. Apparently you have to sometimes remove your old kernel headers to get the modules compiled properly. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dahdi-linux/+bug/790558

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