Akom's Tech Ruminations

Various tech outbursts - code and solutions to practical problems

Linux mssh Bash completion

Posted by Admin • Friday, February 28. 2014 • Category: Linux
Clusterssh (cssh) is great, but I was getting a little fed up with unmanageable terminal windows. They either go all over my monitors or get lost, and they are hard to move and resize.

So I switched to mssh, which solves all that because all the terminals are in one window.... but, it doesn't read my /etc/clusters file! In fact, nobody seemed to even know what file it does read.

What to do? First of all, for the record, it reads its aliases (-a) from ~/.mssh_clusters This file is exactly like /etc/clusters, except for a colon, like so:
alias1: host host host
alias2: host host host

Now that we got that straight, let's make a bash completion file

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