Maven toolchains and puppet
Posted by Admin • Monday, August 31. 2015 • Category: DevOps, Linux
For today's trick we'll be setting up maven toolchains.xml files on Jenkins slaves that are managed by puppet. One option for doing this is to use the Jenkins Config File Provider plugin - but all that really does is push a predetermined file to the slaves before running the job (now if it only worked together with the Jenkins tool provider data...) In our case, we have Jenkins slaves with different OS versions and thus different toolchain locations - for example, minor JDK releases differ across OS's and thus the paths are not the same.
Instead, the plan is to do two things:
First, the custom fact. Important note here is that if you're on an older puppet (say, 3.7), you need to make sure that stringify_facts is false on both the puppet master and agents, and that you bounced both! This fact returns an array of hashes, and if stringify_facts is true, you'll get a very ugly string instead.
Here is a basic implementation of a fact that loads info about the installed JDK's - this is for linux only, obviously:
Now, let's use the information in a template:
Instead, the plan is to do two things:
- Create a puppet custom fact with installed tool info
- Use it from a puppet template
First, the custom fact. Important note here is that if you're on an older puppet (say, 3.7), you need to make sure that stringify_facts is false on both the puppet master and agents, and that you bounced both! This fact returns an array of hashes, and if stringify_facts is true, you'll get a very ugly string instead.
Here is a basic implementation of a fact that loads info about the installed JDK's - this is for linux only, obviously:
I would add support for other JDK vendors but I didn't have any to test on. Of course it would be more proper to use some complicated combination of querying rpm and alternatives, but in my testing these were both entirely unpredictable.
# Looks for install JDKs in /usr/lib/jvm and sets them as an array of hashes: { "path" => dirpath, "vendor" => vendor, "version" => version }
Facter.add("java_versions") do
setcode do
result = []
if File.exists?('/usr/lib/jvm') or File.exists?('/usr/lib64/jvm')
cmd = 'find /usr/lib*/jvm -type f -name javac | grep -v jre | grep -E "[0-9]\.[0-9]" | sort | sed "s/^\(.*java-\([0-9]\.[0-9]\)\.[0-9].*\)\/bin\/javac$/\2 \1/"'
output = %x( #{cmd} ).split("\n")
output.each { |line|
lineparts = line.split(" ")
version = lineparts[0]
dirpath = lineparts[1]
vendor = "sun"
if dirpath.match(/openjdk/)
vendor = "openjdk"
result.push({"path" => dirpath, "vendor" => vendor, "version" => version})
Now, let's use the information in a template:
<% @java_versions.each do |java_info| %>
<% end %>
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