Akom's Tech Ruminations

Various tech outbursts - code and solutions to practical problems

Bash completion for tmux multi-window like cssh/mssh

Posted by Admin • Monday, May 19. 2014

Although I normally use mssh for my multi-window SSH client, sometimes I work through an non-graphical SSH connection, and tmux really comes in handy. I've been using the ssh-multi script by D.Kovalov, but since I already have "clusters" files for cssh and mssh, I figured that it should be more convenient to use them by typing aliases. The script below is the result. )

This goes into /etc/bash_completion.d/tmuxmulti

Hope it helps

Synchronized multi-window in action
It relies on ~/.mssh_clusters (see mssh for more info)
The format is simply:
my-group-of-boxes-1: host1 host2 host3 my-group-of-boxes-2: host4 host5 host6
(and so on)

Get the source from GitHub: https://gist.github.com/akomakom/2dab995b6a48899eee841cc0e4a3192e

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